Still Of The Sun

This chant was written in 2004 by Janice Chalas (Keepers of the Holly Chalice) for the Summer Solstice.
The recording is an excerpt from Awakening The Dream, a chant CD by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.
Still Of The Sun
A Time Of Gathering Has Begun
Seasons Change At The Still Of The Sun
The Oak King Bows
Down To The Ground
The Holly King Arises Fully Crowned
By Janice Chalas
Phoenix Arise

I wrote this chant for the opening ritual at the Delmarva Pagan Pride Festival in 2011.
- Ivo
Phoenix Arise
We Are Rising, Arising
From Ashes To Feathers
We Rise, We Rise, We Rise
By Ivo Dominguez, Jr

I wrote this chant in 1992 for use in our Festival of Hecate ritual and we have used it every year since then. The chant contains references to the various forms she has taken over time and in different cultures.
We use it as part of the process of calling her into her Priestesses. The picture is from an altar at the ritual.
- Ivo
Hekau! Hekau! Hekau!
Hecate Trevia Trimorphos (3x)
Hecate Queen Of The Moon In All Her Phases (3x)
By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Fates Chant

I was reading an old book about the influence of classical mythology on poets and authors when I found this small edit from a longer poem by Sir Walter Scott. This is a good chant for the Equinoxes when Light and Dark are in balance. It is also good for dealing with sad life events and grief work.
- WindReader (Alan D. Stillman)
Note from Ivo -Taken from Guy Mannering or The Astrologer By Sir Walter Scott
Fates Chant
Twist ye! Twine ye! Even so!
Mingle shades of joy and woe
Hope and fear and peace and strife
In the thread of human life
Words by Sir Walter Scott. Melody by WindReader (Alan D. Stillman) and sung by him
Wind Whispers
Wind Whispers was written just before Rites of Spring in 2003 by WindReader (Alan D. Stillman) .
Wind Whispers
We sing to the Wind and the Wind whispers
We dance to the Fire and the Fire cracks
We cry to the ocean and the waves echo
We drum to the Earth and the Earth drums back
We drum to the Earth and the Earth drums back
by WindReader (Alan D. Stillman)
Waters Of Life

This is another chant in 1994 for use in our wiccan sweat lodges. We often use it as a part of circle casting, calling the power of Water, and in rituals that focus on the depths of our feelings.
- Ivo
Waters Of Life
Water, Waters Of Life
Gentle Rain, Soft Mist, And Tidal Pools.
Hot Beating Blood, Cool Ocean Deeps
Water Of Wonder. Mystery Of Our Hearts
Water Of Wonder. Mystery Of Our Hearts
By Ivo Domínguez, Jr.