
General Information

I love to teach and I love to travel, but I also have significant responsibilities to my loved ones, my spiritual community, and to my store so I have a very full schedule. If you would like me to come to your area to teach or to offer rituals, I need significant notice. 

I am available to do book signings with brief lectures, short workshops of 1 - 4 hours, full day or weekend long intensives, and multi day appearances for conferences, festivals, and gatherings. I am also available to offer or to coordinate rituals and ceremonies.

A list of some of the workshops I am willing to offer are available as a pdf here.


My fees will vary greatly depending upon the nature of what is requested, the nature of the group or business making the request, the venue, and whether it is a fundraiser for a cause, etc. This needs to be worked out on a case by case basis though I do have general guidelines. It should not cost me money to teach in your area. That means that at the minimum my costs for travel and housing will be covered as well as a complimentary registration if it is at an event. All that being said I do make exceptions.

If I am making more than one appearance in a region or I am setting up a tour, I will let you know so that travel costs can be divided amongst the parties in question.

A Note On Food And Housing

I am a vegetarian and if it is a lengthy appearance I hope to be fed or to have access to places where I can get proper food. This means more than salad, as without protein I will fade and not be much of a speaker. I will eat eggs and dairy but I eat no fish, poultry, or any sort of animal flesh. Some people call themselves vegetarian and bend the rules, I don’t. I have been a vegetarian for over 38 years. I do however have a deep and abiding love of coffee.

Contact me and we’ll see if the housing arrangements you are offering seem reasonable to me.

  © Ivo Dominguez Jr  • 2025