Our Hearts

A song for the change of the Ages and Aeons.



“Our Hearts”

I stand where the Maimed King did battle 
The Land lies barren and bare 

Dire wolves howl and bone chimes rattle 
A poxed Moon poisons the air 

I stand where stand the Goddess lies bleeding 

The damn fool walks in a rage 

Her cries go without heeding 

My heart goes clothed in a cage 

But now I will stand for it no more 

But now I will stand for it no more 

Now this cycle is ending 

Love has filled me to the core 

Now Dark and Light my heart are mending 

The World's health we will restore 

For magic is afoot 

The Goddess is awake

And the Sidhe stir from under the Hill 

Respect is due 

The Lady of the Lake 

And the Dancer by the rill 

The Wheel turns again 

The Moon still circles round 

And the Sidhe stir from under the Hill 

Our hearts are the treasures we've unbound 

So live and love we will 

So live and love we will 

So live and love 
So mote it be 

By Ivo Dominguez, Jr. ©