
This section of the site is for longer pieces that are pathworkings, mini-rituals, and workings.

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Cernunnos Pathworking

CernPathworking Art

Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch 

"Cernunnos Pathworking
This pathworking has been published in The Book of Cernunnos edited by John Beckett and Jason Mankey. This is a devotional anthology with an amazing collection of offerings, The audio file runs about 11 minutes and headphones are suggested. To get the text of this pathworking buy the book.

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The Crossroads and the Omphalos

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Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch • Background music  by Ivo.

"The Crossroads and the Omphalos"
A pathworking  that was used in preparation for the Between The Worlds 2023 Main Ritual. It is still useful whenever you need to boost your sense of personal power and connection to the mysteries of the world. About 15 1/2 minutes and headphones suggested.

Full of the Sun Pathworking

full sun

Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch • Background music  by Ivo.

A pathworking  for the Summer Solstice that can be used anytime of year when you need empowerment from the ever-flowing source. About 13 1/2 minutes and headphones suggested.

"Full of the Sun Pathworking"

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. The fog swirling all around you grows dimmer and dimmer. 

All that is, • is a soft darkness • in every direction and above and below. A velvety richness of black with shadowy suggestions of crimson and purple that you breathe in and breathe out with ease. • You float comfortably, upheld by the billowing of the velvety richness that fills your senses. •• You feel a touch across your face as soft as the gentlest breeze, so soft it could have been just imagination. Then you feel it again. You feel a rhythm. You feel it pass over you like a ripple on a pond. A ripple that repeats again and again and again in the fabric of all that is. ••

The faint ripple now becomes a tide. You sense motion. You are carried along on this tide as easily as foam atop the ocean. ••• Slowly you begin to sense that you are not moving in a straight line. You are moving in a great circle.  • The tempo of this great turning is increasing • and with that increase you see faint glimmers of color, followed by sparks, and rays of light that radiate from the center of that great circle that you are following.

The rich velvet of the dark is now the backdrop for a wheel of brilliance, a wheel of all colors You are now spiraling in towards the wheel, moving faster and faster. • As you move closer and move faster, you see that the center of the wheel is an absolute void without color or form. • You are falling towards the center, towards the void, towards the dark. You are so close that the dark is all you see.  ••• 

You pass into the center and hear a sound so low and deep that it rumbles through you as if you were a reed in the wind.  Nothingness, Nothingness, Nothingness.•••

Then a thunderclap. • And you ARE and you are somewhere. There is a sense of your body, the smell of roses and lavender, and you see stars above you. • The full moon hangs low in the sky, filling the grassy landscape with warm shadows and cool blue highlights. You look down at your feet and see that you are standing on a stone disc, perhaps nine feet across. You lift your gaze and see a stone path, that forms a circle with the disc that you stand upon as its center. You recognize the meaning of the circle and the dot. Together they are the glyph, the symbol of the Sun. The dimensionless point and bounded infinity of the circle. •

It is MidSummer Eve, the night before the Summer Solstice.  This knowledge is yours without question or explanation. You feel the turning of the Earth beneath you, and marvel that you can feel it. You feel honor bound to stay on the central disc. • You keep vigil as the land makes its pilgrimage from night to day.

As you observe, as you mark, the anticipation, the building energy, of the awakening land, you hear a wordless song that comes from directly beneath your feet. You strain to hear the song better and you begin to understand the meaning of the song though the words are no human language.  You see the blazing core of the Earth surrounded by the dark layers of stone that are the body of the World. ••• The Inner Sun of the Earth awaits the dawning of the Longest Day.

The song continues, but your sight is no longer shaped by the song.  You look up and see that the Moon is about to set and that the first rays of Dawn have appeared. Suddenly the Moonlight and the first rays of Dawn become so bright that they shine through you. At the Root of your being, at the base of your spine, you see the light collect and reflect upwards, filling you with light. The light is silvery with hints of gold. ••

The Sun is now rising, rising, rising, in the North East. And you notice that time is moving faster than normal. The colors of the land ripple with change as the Sun rises higher and faster. The light reflecting upwards from your root is growing and the Inner Sun deep within the Earth is shining up into you from the disc of stone at your feet. •

The Sky is incredibly blue, a color richer than any sky that you have seen before. The Sun is climbing and as it climbs you feel a spark of light ignite  within you in the space between your navel and the joining of your ribs. The spark becomes a small golden sun that fills your center.•••

The Sun is almost at its highest point in the sky. • You hear tones, clear, bright, sparkling tones and they seem to be coming from the many rays of light as they cross and touch each other. Just above your head a sphere of brilliance is forming, swirling with all colors like rainbow fire, each flame and spark ever changing in color and shape. The crystalline tones grow higher and louder.•

The Sun is at its zenith.• It is High Noon on the Summer Solstice. • It is the Full of the Sun. ••

The high bright tones from the strumming of the strings of light are joined by the deep rumble of the song of the Earth’s Sun below.  The ground shakes and you struggle to remain standing on the center of the disc. A bolt of power races from the center of the Earth.• It passes through you with waves of warmth until it touches the Sphere of brilliance above your head. Your mouth opens in song and a pillar of light rises through you, from you towards the Sun above. ••

The shaft of light touches the Sun and you are floating in brilliance.•

You feel a whirling, a stirring in the currents of the Sun’s light and you are carried along like a feather in a gale. •

You are carried in a great torrent of light that jumps from the Sun into a dark space, darker and vaster than you can bear to behold.  You know that you are moving in a great parabola, a great arc.••

The torrent of light is climbing and slowing, climbing and slowing, climbing and slowing. You see the goal of the flight. A glorious Sun that shows all others to be pale reflections of this • the Central Sun. Rays of brilliance reach towards you. You reach the topmost point of your flight and you touch the glowing corona. You are filled with a sense of peace, • completion,•  hope, and a hint of the sadness of the separation that will come. ••

You over flow with the everflow of the light. The light pours down from you, following the path of your journey. Curving and spiraling downwards.

• A part of you returns downward with every wave of light. ••••

• A part of you returns downward with every wave of light. ••••

• A part of you returns downward with every wave of light. ••••

• A part of you returns downward with every wave of light. ••••

You can see the Earth spinning beneath you now. As you continue downwards with the flow. •

The Earth is growing larger, spinning with all the colors of the living world.

You are above the stone glyph of the Sun and the central disc is now the same darkness of the Turning Wheel that started this journey.

You fall through the center of the Wheel. •

All is a soft gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Moon Gate Gift Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch • Background music  by Ivo.

Can be use at any time in the Moon’s cycles.


The Power To Choose

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now.

Roll your shoulders and sway slightly in your chair and find your center of gravity. Take three deep breaths and exhale each breath slowly. Become aware of the place that is your center of gravity and then become aware of the place that is your center of consciousness within yourself. The place that is your center right now. Also become aware of the place within you that is the Above, •  the place that when you close your eyes and you look upwards • feels like the highest place within. 

And take a deep breath and slowly glide upwards where your inner eyes gaze upwards towards the heavens within. •• Breath by breath rise upwards following your inward gaze. • Now look far above you. There are clouds glowing with that peculiar color that tells you that the full moon is behind the clouds. • With each breath you rise up closer and closer to the moonlit clouds. 

You continue rising upwards until all you see is the glowing clouds. • With each breath you feel yourself grow lighter and lighter, weighing less than the air. And you pass through the clouds. The clouds are drenched moonlight. The upward motion is slowing down as you pass through the tops of the clouds. And you stand upon a landscape of clouds.  ••

You come to rest atop a cloud that is towering high like a cliff. You look down from that cliff and you see other clouds rolling in and out, shifting in the moonlight as if they were ocean waves.•  Through breaks in the clouds you see the land and the sea far below you. • Far above you see the Moon, larger and brighter and fuller than you have ever seen it before. A few thin wisps of high clouds like feathers pass in front of the Moon glowing brighter as they catch the light. • • Those wisps of clouds twirl silently and descend towards you. • They spiral down until they touchdown upon the edge of the billowing cliff of clouds. The fine traceries of cloud still glowing as if they had been silvered in the moonlight begin to form a spiral stairway. •

The stairway continues rising upward from the top of the clouds toward the deep of the sky above. • The stairway is still forming as it rises upwards, but you begin to climb the steps nonetheless. You see more steps forming as you climb higher and higher into the night sky. •

The stairs have risen so high now that the clouds have been replaced with the dark of space. The stairs are made of filigrees of moonlight and stardust, bright against the deep of night. You go higher and higher until you are before what seems to be the Moon itself. • • You have a moment of confusion because it can’t be the Moon, it seems close enough to touch. • And although large it does not seem large enough, or you’ve become gigantic. • It is so bright that you can barely look at it. The brightness ripples and pulls you in. ••

All around you is blue and purple and violet. At first it doesn't make sense at first but then comes into focus. You look and see that you are standing in a place where the floor, the ceiling, and the walls are made of amethyst and lapis lazuli and sapphire. • It is like a palace or a cathedral. •

Through great arched windows you see in the distance the bright Sun far far away. Through another the Earth so far, so far away, that it seems like a turquoise agate. You hear the sound of wind and temple bells. • • There is now an adytum, an innermost sanctum of marble columns twined with moon flowers and jasmine at the far end of the palatial hall. • • The sanctum shines with a light that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere. • There are fine drops of dew upon the flowers and the leaves on the vines. Each dew drop is a sparkling star. •

You walk to the center of the sanctum. Somehow it is larger than you thought it would be. •  There is a pool filled with something that is like water but is not water. • • You see a shimmering outline moving inside the sanctum. • It is more or less human shaped though shifting as it moves.  Their outline present but their features hidden. • A high voice, perhaps a woman or a child’s voice asks you to look closely. The figure is becoming denser, with hints of a kind face becoming visible.•• It is a Moon Goddess; you are sure of it now.

You hear a strange, ethereal melody, just barely at the edge of your hearing. • You look up and see that she is brushing her hands across the sweet scented flowers that fill the sanctum and twine around the pool. The starry sparkling dew that clings to her fingers allows you to see her hands more clearly. •

 She flicks her finger and casts the dew drops into the pool with one smooth and silent motion. • You watch ripples and swirls form in the pool …  more complex than you would imagine would arise from droplets. The pool swirls faster and with changing colors and forms beyond naming. 

Once again you hear her voice.  This time her voice is deep, and echoes within your mind. She tells you:

“Each of those moving, shifting patterns are possibilities, forks in the road of reality. • Look closely. • Which do you choose? Do you know? I give you three breaths to decide.” • (count to 18)

Some of the swirls fade.  Some of the ripples vanish.  Others grow brighter and more intense. • Suddenly there is a strong powerful pull on both your hands. She is pulling your hands to dip them into the pool. You dip your hands into the pool and you feel the charge •• of dipping your hands •• into the magic of manifestation. • (count to 13)

She pulls your hands back out. Your hands are dripping with the stars in the waters and opalescent light. ••

She holds your clasped hands above your head and you feel the droplets fall upon the crown of your head.  •• 

With the voice kindly, but frightening, she says:

“ You must remember You must know. You must know the difference between the things that can be and the things that cannot be. •

The things that must never be and those that can be nurtured. ••”

You look upon your hands as she lowers them until they are at your eye level and releases them. Some of the droplets that still cling to your fingers and melt into your skin and into your blood. • You sit down on the edge of the pool, overcome by the energy and the ideas. •••

She says, 

“And I bless you with the power to make choices that lead to more choices.”

Her words echo. ••••  It seems as if the air has gotten thinner it is harder to breathe. • 

You feel her gently lift you up. • The pool has risen as well. The liquid is floating in the air and has become the Moon Gate.  •• She nudges you through the shining circle of light that is the Gate of the Moon in the upper world. She sets you upon the steps of moonlight and you begin your homeward journey.  As you descend the steps, they fold and retract •• and fold and retract •• step by step •• taking you down down to the clouds. 

You land upon the clouds, tired but satisfied. • The clouds are thinning and can no longer support your weight. You are falling through them as if you were falling through feathers •• down, and down ••  onto the softest bed • with the softest pillow. Falling slower • and slower ••  until you find yourself seated in your room. 

You flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Beltane 2021 Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch
“Sweet Magick" from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming and Fire Souls Desire from Awakening The Dream are performed by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel and written by Ivo.


Become The Magick

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. ••The fog clears.

You are walking on a familiar sidewalk near your home and it seems to be in the morning. The air is still and there are only a few people out. • With each step you take there is a shift in the sunlight. • With each step you take it seems like another landscape, blurry and faint, overlaps with the everyday world. • Every three steps that you take moves you forward an hour. The sun is high in the sky and the familiar sidewalk is faint and blurry. • The sun has raced across the sky and it is low on the horizon •• You can see green grass and dandelions through the pavement. • You take more steps and the buildings around you are becoming translucent and you see a forest. • You knew that the magick of Beltane felt strong this year but this was more than you expected. •• You hear a song on the breeze tugging at your heart and a tingle in the air.

** Sweet Magick Chant •• Count to 20

You are in a field surrounded by a forest. The air is sweet with flowers and rich with the scent of the forest. Before you are four brothers, the source of the song, and they are beckoning you. • Beyond them you see a glorious sunset and a bonfire. • It looks like the Sun is setting in the bonfire. •• Other people are walking toward the bonfire. • You feel a pull to join them and walk toward the fire. • The four brothers nod as you go past them, their song resounding in your mind and body as your magick awakens more. ••••

You take your place at the outer edge of the crowd standing around the fire. • The sun has set. •• Three people step inward and stand closest to the bonfire. The first one is dressed in green. The second one in red. And the third in white decorated with silver. •You can feel the warmth of the fire as the evening chills the air.

The one clad in green goes to the fire. They are holding a branch covered in flowers in one hand. They say,

“By Leaf, and Flower, and Fruit

I Call the Green Flame Forth” ••

And they put the branch into the fire. •• You feel the power of the green world, the realm of plant life, buzzing and thrumming around you. A green flame rises and rises to spiral around the bonfire. •••

The one wearing in red goes to the fire. They are holding a long bone in one hand. They say,

“By Breath, and Blood, and Bone

I Call the Red Flame Forth” ••

They place the bone into the fire. •• You feel the power of the red world, the realm of animal life, its heartbeat and its dance around you. A ruby red flame rises like a column in the center of the bonfire.

The one in silver, garbed in moonlight, goes to the fire. They have a crystal pitcher filled with clear liquid with glints of light. They say.

“By Above, and Below, and Life Eternal

I Call the Silver Flame Forth” ••

They throw the liquid onto the bonfire. You feel the power of the spirit world, the realm of ethereal life, its silver bells and the tingle of cool electricity. Silver stars dance throughout the fire, sparks of brilliance rising into the sky. ••

The bonfire grows taller and taller. •• Above the fire floats a regal crown forged of flames of every color with jewels like stars.  •• Streaks of light spin around the crown like ribbons round a maypole dance••• The three who gave offerings to the fire speak as one,

“You are the monarch of your life. Draw upon the fire that connects the worlds and the realms of life and find your joy and purpose.” ••

Everyone looks deeply into the fire. ••

** Fire Soul’s Desire Chant (Count to 24)

The whole group says,

“The power of Beltane surrounds me, is in me, and moves through me!”

And you say it as well.


“The power of Beltane surrounds me, is in me, and moves through me!”


“The power of Beltane surrounds me, is in me, and moves through me!”

You feel vibrant and filled with the power of life and the passion to live. •••


The drumming begins, People dance and court the rhythm and the flames, others talk with friends, and some look upon all the beauty and take it in. 

(Count to 35)

A fog begins to swirl around you.•• The bonfire field fades from sight. •• The fog carries the sound of the drums away. •••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Spring 2021 Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch
Pleiades Chant” Words By Augustus Wright Bamberger and music by Bone Blossom and sung by Jim & Ivo & "Earth Spirits Chant" from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming by Ivo. Performed by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.


Sun, Moon, & Honey

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. You are drifting.

You are standing at your kitchen counter holding a steaming mug of you favorite breakfast beverage. There is a small stack of unopened mail on the counter as well. • It is early in the morning and light is pouring through the windows promising a sunny day. There is a feeling of promise, of possibilities, bubbling below the surface waiting for the opportunity to come forth. • You take a sip from your mug then pick up the largest envelope from the pile of mail. It is addressed to you in handwriting that you don’t quite recognize. The return address is smudged so it remains a mystery. The envelope is made of paper with flecks of leaves and petals embedded in the fibers. • You open the envelope and a soft floral scent wafts out as you pull out a large greeting card. •

It is more than a card, it is a piece of original art done in watercolors and colored pencils. In the foreground there is a cluster of flowers and in the background a beautiful informal garden. • As you look more details become apparent to you. •• The colors are growing more vibrant the longer you look. • 

You begin to open the card and a vibration passes through your fingers. • There is a flash of light and you find that you are standing in the garden. The image on the card has become a perfect rendition of your kitchen. •  The air is sweet with the fragrance of spring flowers. • The breeze is gentle and mild and the temperature is delightful.• From the corner of your eye you see that the Moon is still up in the sky, keeping the Sun company. • You feel drawn to take a walk around the garden to take in all its beauty. • You see birds in flight and hear birds in song. • • As you look around the garden you see that all the flowers of Spring are in bloom at once from the earliest daffodil to lush double roses from the edge of Summer. • The leaves on the trees and bushes range from plump buds to young leaves shining with the green and gold of new life. • The garden paths and flower beds curve and loop and cross each other in loose easy arcs. •

You come to a statue of a child surrounded by gorgeous tulips and anemones. Their hands are held palms up in a playful “who knows” shrug. You smile and take a step closer to the statue. Carved into right palm is a sunburst and into the left palm a moon shape. • You look up and see the Sun in the sky to the right and the moon to the left. Your curiosity roused, you lift up your two hands, palms up, copying the pose of the statue.

Red-gold rays of sunlight descend into one hand and Silvery Blue moonbeams fill your other hand. • You feel different textures, temperatures, vibrations and more as you feel the push and pull of the light upon your palms. ••  It is intense, not painful, but not comfortable.  As you shift your hands around, up and down, and tilting them various ways you begin to feel shifts within yourself. ••  (Pleiades chant plays) You feel emotions and memories stirring in you. •• You become aware of all the sensations in your body, both the wonder of living and the places stiffness or distress dwell • You let things flow and shift and find a new balance and as you do so there is serenity and comfort. •••••• 

(Count to 22)

The rays of the sunlight and the moonbeams slowly lift away from your hands and you feel energized • rested • and more centered than you’ve been in a long time. •• You stretch and take a deep breath as if you’ve just awoken from a good nap. • You look around and see that the garden is next to newly planted fields, and an orchard. • You also see that you are not alone. There are people walking from tree to tree and bush to bush, They are  pausing to knock on the tree trunks as if they were knocking on doors. Others are singing to the bushes. ( Earth Spirits Chant) They are waking up the plants that are still drowsing and give gifts of energy and love as well.  Some of them are planting seeds as well. •• You join them to help with the waking touch and blessing of the plants. (Count to 20)

You have just placed your hands on a young apple tree in full bloom when you hear the bees buzz louder. • A cloud of bees come before you and arrange themselves to form the shape of a face. •• There is a change in the qualities of light and sound around you. •

You hear a voice coming from the bees. It says,

“I am the Spirit of the Bees. So many humans forget that they are a part of nature. It is good that you remember and even better that you are helping to turn the tide of Spring.”

You bow your head as a sign of honor and acknowledgement. The Bee Spirit says,

“I will grant you a boon. Think on something in your life that needs sweetening or nourishing.” ••• You say that you are ready. 

They say,

“Here is essence of honey, a sweetness that does not fade with time” •

You take in the glory of honey. •••

There is a louder buzzing and the bees depart.

The fragrance of flowers is strong in the air. A fog swirls around you. All is a soft dove gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Imbolc 2021 Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch
“Holy Earth Mother" from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming by Ivo. Performed by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.


In The Belly Of The Dreaming

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. You are drifting.

Have you drifted into the dreaming places between the worlds. Are you in Winter’s dream? • Yes • This is the dreaming. • It is dark, so dark that you can’t even see your hands when you hold them up. You tap around your foot and feel that you are on a hard smooth path. The air is cold and you starting walking to warm up and find your way out of the darkness. ••• It is not quite as dark now. You think you see a star peeking through dark clouds and perhaps the silhouette of hills against the sky in the distance. •• You can see that you are on a  hardened dirt path. More stars can be seen now and the clouds are being backlit softly by a hidden moon. The noctilucent, night shining, clouds are a deep blue with purple shadows. With this bit of light you can catch glints off the frost that covers the landscape. • You hear what might be the wind or what might be a roar in the distance. • You continue walking. •

The clouds are pulsing with a red-orange light. The light is so bright that as each pulse fades it seems that total dark has returned as your night vision is overwhelmed. Blackness then red and orange. • Blackness and then red and yellow. • Blackness then red and orange. It is as if giant bellows were blowing on the coals and embers of night. •

You can see now that flashes of red, orange, and yellow light reflected in the clouds are coming from somewhere directly in front of you on the path. The fiery light is reflected on the path and races toward you like a blazing arrow. ••

You are engulfed in the light and a ripple runs through the world.••• 

You see a forge blazing before you. You see an anvil as tall as you are. •• Working at the forge you see a Goddess. She works the fire, she draws the metal, and the hammer sings upon the anvil as her strong arm guides the power of shaping, of making. •• Sparks leap from her hair as it floats around her head like a nimbus. •• You watch in awe as she makes  one thing after another with ease and grace. •• Sometimes it seems that she moves swiftly • and then so slowly that time seems as slow as the flow of honey. •• At times it seems she has more arms and hands, each creating. • Then all you see is one perfect moment of hammer, incandescent metal, and dark anvil. ••

She pauses in her work. She has sensed you. • She turns and transfixes you with her gaze. ••• She says,

“I have making many things tonight in the Dreaming World. • Of all the things, I think you need to see the nails I am making.” •• She holds out her hand with flattened palm, and displays nails of different sizes and shapes, many still glowing red from the forge. •• Not a single one of them is perfectly smooth or symmetrical. ••• With a crooked grin she says,

“They will do to build a house and hold together a home. They can all be different, unique, imperfect, and still do their part as best they can. • And so can you.” ••

She drops the nails in a trough filled with liquid. ••• She pulls a nail out of the trough. She reaches toward you to drop it in your hand. As it falls from her hand to yours it shrinks to fit in your hand. You feel the weight of the nail.

She says,

“Go now, look for yourself to see what comes next.”

She hits her hammer on the anvil and, • and, • and ••

You are standing in front of a rustic stone fireplace in a what seems to be a farm house. The soft light of dawn is coming in through multi paned windows. You wonder if you are dreaming or have woken somewhere else? You are no longer holding the nail in your hand. • The fire is beginning to dwindle down. You grab a poker and stir the fire. In doing so you find a nail in the ashes and coals and drag it out onto the hearth. You add a log to the fire and gaze into the flames. •••  The nail has cooled and you pick it up. It feels the same as the one given to you at the forge of the Goddess. •• You hear a quiet voice say, “You will always have what I gave you, one way or another.” •

You hear the sound of tapping on glass and see birds at the window by the door. They take flight and you walk to the door. You grab a blanket draped on a chair and wrap it around yourself.  You open the door and stand with one foot inside and one foot outside. You stand in the border between. You look upon the dawning of the day between the chill of Winter and the warmth of Spring. •

The first light of dawn is dancing and casting tree shadows across a meadow. Pink and gold in the midst of grays and evergreen foliage. • Mists shaped like a procession of  spirit animals is treading a path through near the edge of a forest. • Orbs of light blink and vanish like eyes opening and closing, drowsy but awakening. • You feel a vibration growing in the door frame. The ground seems to ripple. • You see the bright colors of snow crocus pushing up through the ground. ••  The buds have not swollen on the trees, but you feel the spark of life stirring in the roots. • You feel the vibration in your core and feel the quickening, the enlivening, of Imbolc. • The time to awaken is coming.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Count to 24 (Holy Earth Mother Chant)

A fog swirls around you. All is a soft dove gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Yule 2020 Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch
“Lady of the Winter Night from “ Awakening The Dream:” and  Sun Return from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming by Ivo. Performed by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.


The Spark Of Sun

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. 

The air is chilly and the fog turns into a scatter of snowflakes. You feel the weight of a thick cloak wrapped about you. • It is night and the stars above have the sharp bright glint of Winter.  • • You look down and around and see nothing but the night sky. • What you thought was a snow covered lane is actually clouds. •• Remarkably as you walk you feel steady, and feel the weight of your steps. •• The stars seem almost close enough to touch. •

There is a deep and enduring peace, a tranquility, that fills the night. The dark itself is velvety and inviting, with a glory to equal that of the stars ••

As you stride forward among the stars, you know that you are journeying to the heart of Winter. • As you walk the cloud covered path you feel that you are descending with each step.  • • Every few steps downward the clouds are thickening. •• Downward and forward you move. •• Downward and deeper in you move. •

The layers of clouds are beginning to look like a snow covered landscape. • You realize, it is a landscape not just shapes imagined in the clouds. •• Lower and closer and you can see the outlines of trees. •• 

Another step down and another and you are on a broad road in a landscape of evergreens and holly trees. • You feel you are being watched. You look around and then up and see a black bird circling above you. • It is too dark to see if it is a crow or a raven. • You see it circle you thrice then fly down the road. • The bird turns around and comes back to circle you again. It calls to you, asking you to follow. • Definitely a raven. •

You follow the raven down the road. It loops back often to make sure it does not lose you. • It seems to be getting darker. ••

Yes, slowly darkness is growing •• The horizon is getting closer, or it may be the velvet of the night has spilled down and is covering the landscape.   • You pick up your pace walking down the road. •• The stars are going out one by one or are obscured by unseen clouds. • The circle of space that can be seen continues to shrink around you. ••

The darkness feels like a heavy weight pressing down upon the land. •

Through the murk and growing shadow you see a spark of light atop the next low rise. •• There is a hillock encompassed by a ring of old holly trees. • People are standing in a circle within that green ring. • In the center floats a golden acorn crowned with a spark of light. ••• You join the circle of people. ••

Several of them have begun to sing.

<Lady of the Winter night chant> Long pause count to 22

As the chant continues the spark slowly brightens. • You feel a tingle in the air. •• A sense of something arriving and settling atop the hillock. •• You see a huge outline, a ripple of light • that marks the silhouette of the Lady of Winter. • •

The raven lands on her shoulders, larger than a natural bird would be and with eyes like the stars. • •  The Lady reaches out her hands to cup the spark and it grows bright. ••

People begin to approach the spark in groups of two or three. • Some reach out there hands to offer energy to the spark. Some sing to the spark while others offer soft words of encouragement. All offer a gift to the Light in their own way. ••••

It is time for you and you step up to the spark. ••• You look at the golden acorn and its nimbus of light and watch its rippling light. ••• You steal glances up at the Lady and the Raven. •••• 

You feel the joy and the weight of being Mother to all. ••• 

You feel the dark truth of the world and the mischief that sets it right in the Raven’s gaze. ••• You feel measured by both, but affirmed by their judgement. ••••

You offer you gift in your own way. •••••• Then you step back. •

A Wave of light bursts forth from the spark. •• Waves upon waves of light spread outward and push back the darkness. • With each wave of light more of the landscape returns. The foam from the crashing waves of light rises up to relight the stars. •••

The Sunspark Acorn, • The Lady of Winter, • and the Raven of the Void rise upwards and are gone. ••

A drum sounds, ••• people cheer, ••• and someone says,
“Join us in this procession to carry the Light to all the places and spaces that need it now!” •

The singers lead us out and down the hillock. A great song rises and grows. •

<Sun Return Chant>  Count to 16

As you walk all the stars return,  •• the Moon returns,  •• 

and lastly the color of dawn tints the Eastern Sky. ••••

A fog swirls around you. All is a soft dove gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!

Samhain 2020 Pathworking

Samhain2020 copy

Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch
Samhains Revels  by Ivo and from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming performed by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.


Pour A Libation For The Dead.

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. 

The fog is dispersed by a cool dry breeze that sends a shiver across your skin. • You are in a well kept formal garden, perhaps you are on the grounds of a manor or a botanical garden. It is just past sunset and the sky is darkening. The summer blooms are long gone, but here and there you see some chrysanthemums, asters, and  the last of the fall flowers. The trees are losing their red and golden leaves to the call of the wind. •

You look around to orient yourself and see a building with large Doric columns behind you. To your left and right you see a formal garden and statuary. • All of it is very lovely but does not call to you. • What does call your attention is a large wrought iron arch with a gate. Two old willow trees flank either side of the gate. The willows’ drooping branches sway slowly in the wind. • You start walking toward the gate and you see lights flickering in the distance. • • There are also orbs of light floating through the bushes and trees, softly brightening then dimming. •

As you reach the archway and the gate you realize just how massive they are. It seems as if it grew larger as you approached. • You step through the gate and with that step the sky grows dark. •

You are at the beginning of a vast labyrinth lit by countless candles. •• The air is filled with voices and whispers. •• You begin to walk the labyrinth, the lights twinkling  at the edges of your sight. • As you walk, the path gently curves, then straightens, then curves again. •

You see motion at the edge of your sight and look up. • You see there are others walking the labyrinth as well.  Some look much as you do. Others are oddly dressed. • It suddenly strikes you that some are ghosts and shades of memory. They glow. • They pass through each other. • They shift from human shape to orbs of light and back. •As you walk, the path gently curves, then straightens, then curves again. •

In the distance you see gigantic shadowy figures, taller than the trees surrounding the labyrinth.  As you move deeper into the labyrinth they become visible and you can begin to discern their features. As you walk, the path gently curves, then straightens, then curves again. •

Clothed in shadows and vestments of night you see that the towering figures are various Goddesses, Gods, and Great Ones of Death and those that guide travelers in the •  in-between places. •• • They are all gazing calmly at you. • You take quick glances to see which of Them have gathered this night. ••

You keep walking the path. The labyrinth’s path somehow has become wider as you walk and the distances stretch so it becomes huge. •• You smell the scents of life and death. • As you walk, the path gently curves, then straightens, then curves again. •

As you near the center you see hooded ritualists and hear their chant. •••• The path has gotten so wide that three people could walk side by side. • You can see the center of the labyrinth now. You can see the living and the dead swaying and dancing around something. •

You reach the center and see a stone garden urn overflowing with red liquid and red light. •  The living are pouring libations into a garden urn from bowls and pitchers. The dead glow brighter as they come and dip their fingers into the urn. • The red light dancing in the liquid, dances in them as well. ••

One of the ritualists asks you,  “Do wish to come forward to pour a libation to those on the other side?” 

•• You pause and think about family, friends, and others that mean something to you that have walked on to the other side. ••

You decide that you will make an offering, and are given a bowl that feels heavy in your hands. You step up to the garden urn and pour the libation. As the liquid falls, time slows, and you see the liquid as a ribbon undulating slowly as it drops. • The ribbon of liquid expands and parts the veil between the worlds. •••

You see and hear guidance from beyond. •••••

Those that came to see you depart. •• You feel a hand upon your shoulder but no-one is there. A soft voice whispers, “Look once more, then withdraw. You may not linger here.” •

You see some spirits heading deeper into the land of death, the land of eternal Summer. •• You see others traveling to the heart of Winter, the eternal night. You see those spirits that would be born again pass through the Sun Spark gate. • And then, they pass through the Moon gate that leads to the wombs of Earth. ••

With a blink of the eye the way is closed. You see only a garden urn reflecting the Moon above. •

You turn and start walking outward and as you do the labyrinth shrinks, the path narrows, and a thick fog rolls in obscuring everything. •

All is a soft dove gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here.

Autumn 2020 Pathworking


Written by Ivo Dominguez Jr • Narration by James C. Welch   Chants: "Harvest Time from Awakening The Dream; Feral Beauty” from A Dream Whose Time Is Coming by Ivo.


This pathworking is a journey to the heart of the setting Sun.

Close your eyes and move inwards. Take a deep breath and become aware of any distractions from the outside world— sounds, sensations, thoughts and feelings that came with you to this moment. Gather these distractions together ••••• and bid them depart until you return from this journey. •••••

Open your eyes briefly and then close them again holding within yourself the image of where you are in the here and now. See a sparkling mist rolling, slowly filling your vision. See it grow thicker, and thicker, and thicker until you are enveloped in swirls of pearly mist, rosy mist, that glistens with sparkling motes. ••••• Although you are still, you feel motion all around you. Although you are still, you feel the fog swirling all around you. 

You open your eyes and find yourself sitting on a bunk in a cabin. • You shift your gaze upward and see a window that reveals that you are in the midst of a wooded campground in the hills. • You are with a group of friends and members of your community gathering together for the Autumn Equinox. • Bring to mind the people you would wish to have with you. •••

The breeze coming in the window is cooler than you expected so you grab an extra layer of clothing and put it on. • You hear voices outside and get up and go out the cabin door to see what’s going on. • Some people are weaving wheat and leaves together to create crowns, giving them to whoever will wear them. • Some people are filling baskets with food and drink for the celebration.  ••

There are carts and wagons, that are being prepared for a hay ride. Some are set to be pulled by horses and others by tractors. • One of your friends is giving a slice of an apple to a horse and they smile at you. •• 

You take a deep breath and enjoy the crisp cool air and the musky sweet smell of the Autumn. You walk over to your friend and you help them load bales of straw into the carts for the hay ride. ••• It feels good to do work that will be enjoyed by yourself and others. •• Some people have gotten dressed in festival garb. • Garlands are being placed on the carts and wagons. • There is a sense of excitement and expectation filling the air. You pause as someone comes by with cups and a pitcher filled with apple cider. • People are starting to be seated in the carts for the hay ride. ••

Someone dressed in renaissance fair garb steps up onto a tree stump and says:

Good Morrow your Graces! 

This eve as we enter the gloaming we will take a woodland ride to the lake

to honor the setting Sun and the setting of the year.

Find the sweetness of life and your balance 

for tomorrow the days will wane again.

You and the rest of the people climb into the carts and wagons. •• To the side of the path a group of singers offer a song as the hay ride begins. •••••

The cart lurches into motion and you have to catch yourself and push back against the bales of hay. You settle in and relax and watch the trees go by. • You feel the gentle rocking of the cart’s progress into the woods. The rhythm of light and dark of sunlight coming through the leaves and branches is soothing. The breeze on your face is gentle and alternates between slightly cool and slightly warm. •• The quiet conversations in the background drop away and you only hear the sounds of the journey.

As the ride continues you notice that more and more of the leaves in the trees are changing color. Here and there you see yellow, orange, and red splashed among the green. •• The air is cooler and dryer and sweet with the faint scent of apples. • The sun is moving lower in the sky and the sky’s colors remind you of both the flowers of Spring and Autumn’s leaves. • You just breathe deeply and take in the beauty around you. •••••

Your thoughts begin to move through your memories of the year up to this point. •••  You think on what began and what finished. •••• Think on what you must release and what you must hold close. ••••You are your own harvest. •• What will you save for the future and what will you enjoy in the here and now? •••••

The cart goes around a bend in the path and exits the woods. • Before you is a small lake reflecting the colors of the setting sun. On the opposite side of the lake there is an apple orchard. Several people are standing together next to a table with baskets of apples beneath a tent pavilion surrounded with banners of setting suns, cornucopias, and the glyph of Libra. •• The hay ride comes to a halt. • The people approach, singing and carrying baskets of apples. •••••

A woman that reminds you of one of your favorite teachers comes to your cart with a basket. She pulls out a cutting board and a white handled knife and starts to cut the apples in half. She flicks out the seeds with her knife and collects them to plant later. • She smiles and waves everyone over making sure that all take an apple. • Each apple is different and you don’t recognize the varieties. •

She says, 

Those of you that sat back down get up if you can. 

Now all of you take the apple in both hands and see the star at its core.

You see that the apple was cut horizontally and see the star within the apple.

She says,

Now hold the apple up and out so it covers the setting sun in your line of sight. The glorious clouds and the darkening sky will give you what you need.

With the apple covering the sun the colors of the clouds become more vibrant. The clouds are changing shape and you see fleeting images forming and dissolving. •• The message you need is in the clouds. Look closer. ••••

The sun has dipped lower and is about to touch the horizon. Rays of light pierce through the clouds. You hear someone yell,

We Give Thanks! We Give Thanks!We Give Thanks!

You say  We Give Thanks!. • The person next to you is taking a bite of their apple. You wonder for a moment then take a bite of your apple. •• Sweet and tart and crisp. The juices run down your chin. It is just the way you like it• You feel the the warmth of the sun, the work of the year, and the satisfaction of tasting the fruits of your efforts.  The blessings of the Autumn Equinox are upon you. You know this in your heart and soul.

A fog rolls in from the lake. All is a soft gray. • You feel the swirling and the turning all around you. ••

Little by little,  the fog lifts and you flutter your eyes open and find yourself back in the here and now. Back in the place where we began. Back in the place you held in your memory so that you could return. •••

Take a deep breath. Move your toes and fingers. Be here and in the now. Be here and in the now. And you are here!