A song for our times by Gwendolyn Reece.

Battle Hymn of the Resistance
When we rise up and claim our power
The Good, it cannot fall.
We take up the shield of service
To defend the rights of all.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
And work to set things right.
We defend the Constitution,
Rule of Law across the land.
When blind Justice, She is threatened
We will not let it stand.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
And work to set things right.
We tend the Hearth of Kindness,
Soul of Democracy.
Welcome tired, poor, huddled masses
Yearning to breathe free.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
And work to set things right.
Our Healer’s Cup we offer
To all souls who have need.
We work to heal our nation
Of hatred and of greed.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
And work to set things right.
Our visionary garden blooms
With dreams we bring to birth,
Of what society can be
If we dare to love the Earth.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
And work to set things right.
So rise up and claim your power
Together we will grow.
See America as we should be
And we will make it so.
We hear the call of duty.
We heed the Spirit’s Light.
We stand firm in compassion,
and will make things right.
By Gwendolyn Reece ©